A Venture of the Heart
Title: A Venture of the Heart
Author: Amelia Judd
Publisher: Mitchell Davis Press LLC
Series: Silver Bay Book 1
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: Five
"A Venture of the Heart" by Amelia Judd
My Thoughts.....
I enjoyed this quick read where you found the characters well developed, defined and portrayed in this sweet romantic story. It was quite interesting seeing how this will work it all out for Pax and Sage as it becomes obvious that one will not be able to live without the other as fate will send them a olive branch. With both of these two main characters having their own issues will they be able to give into their true feelings as we find Pax is a 'risk taker and Sage is a rule follower and Pax's sister's best friend?' Well, to find it all out you will have to pick up "A Venture of the Heart" to find out how it all happens and how did the family play into it. Be ready for the twist and surprises that will keep your attention as you as turning the pages to see what is coming next.