Moma Said, "HIt 'Em Back"

Title: Momma Said, "Hit 'Em Back!"
Authors: Cynthia Amis Dickerson/ In Collaboration with Marian Matthews Nance
Publisher: C.A. D & M.M.N.
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: 5
"Momma Said, "Hit 'Em Back!" By: Cynthia Amis Dickerson/ Marian Matthews Nance
A quote from this read by the author....
"Momma Said, "Hit 'Em Back!" inserted paragraph from Chapter 20:
Don't wait! If you know that you are tired of sinning and living a worldly life, give your life to Jesus Christ. Repeat these words. "I know that I am a sinner and I need a Savior. I believe by faith that, Jesus Christ died on the cross for my sins. God please come into my life and show me how to live for you."
What I liked from this novel....
I received this novel from the Author Cynthia A. Dickerson at a Book Festival in Memphis where she opened up the book and started reading to me. I found this novel a short but very fascinating in that it definitely left me wanting to read this novel to see what all it had to offer. I am so glad I did because I did find this read indeed a excellent read of redeeming hope for this young man named Louvious Johnson. Being accused of a crime and spending fifteen years in prison...he walks out a free man. What I loved about this read was how the author was able to bring out how Louvious to was delivered and saved while incarcerated. I found this novel a very good one is that you are able to feel the release as this character walks through it all and in the end becoming a....well I don't want to tell to much other than to pick up this is a excellent read of "Momma Said, "Hit 'Em Back!" This was beautifully brought out of what can happen if you listen and be lead by God will. You will feel the pain and struggle of this young man and in the end...what a new life that has been given to him. The reader will be left wondering about the mother(Louvenia) of this young man. Wow, she was quite a character. I am sure we will find out more about her in the next novel by these authors......'Momma's Journey to Hell and Back.'
My Overall impression of the read....
Besides this being a excellent read the authors also give the readers more food for thought as they present us at the end of the read with a workbook that "transforms the individual reader through introspection and group verbal stimulation that will bring about the insight to resolve internal and external problems." Would I recommend "Momma Said, "Hit 'Em Back!" YES!