The Jones: The Full Story...His & Her Side

"Told from His Side and Hers...who's side will you believe?
Santana and Niveah Jones isn't your average married couple. Between the two of them, there's lies, secrets and betrayal that neither of them signed up for.
Just who's to blame for their problems?
Is it Niveah's fault because she just can't seem to keep her "goodies" to herself?
"...I couldn’t help but wonder if anyone else noticed that I was reciting my part of the wedding vows, before the preacher had fully stopped talking.
After all, this was my third time around..."
Or is it Santana's fault because he couldn't tell the truth to save his own life; let alone someone else's?��
"...Everything, every single detail of my life for the past few years had been planned out; in preparation for this very moment. It had all been for this day; well maybe not this exact day, but I knew that at some point this day would come..."
Keeping up with the Jones has never been easy to do, and Niveah and Santana are about to show you why!"
Title: The Jones: The Full Story: His & Her Side
Author: B.M. Hardin
Publisher: Savvily Published
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: 5
"The Jones: The Full Story: His & Her Side" by B.M. Hardin
What I liked about this novel....
All I can and will say about this story is that you will have to pick this one up to read. This author really shows the reader that she can write a not only interesting read but also captivating, intriguing and oh my goodness downright a good story. Once you start with 'Her' side of this story then you will be delivered "His" side of the story and it will not be what you may think it is or should be. Wow is all I can say as I was reading and shaking my head saying Wow did that just happen? This was one read that I can say out did the twist and turns because there will be so many you will have to keep up and that will not be hard...just keep reading and there will be even more surprises and secrets revealed all the way to the end of this story. This author really shows the readers she can write with those characters...Niveah, Santana, Joey, Sheila only to name a few that will keep you turning the pages until the end giving the reader a excellent read from start to finish. To the author... you know how to really write a story!