The Man Who Loved Too Much

Title: The Man Who Loved too Much - Book 3- Oxymoron
Author: John Rachel
Publisher: Literary Vagabond Books
Series: Book 3
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: Five
"The Man Who Loved Too Much Book 3 - Oxymoron By John Rachel
What I liked about this novel.....
Now, this was an excellent novel. I would very much recommend you read this authors first two books..1 and 2 before attacking this read. Now in saying that... I will know say again this book 3: Oxymoron...was quite some read. This author brings it all together for the reader in this trilogy "The Man Who Loved Too Much" and answering the one important question... did twenty six year old Billy Green love too much? One thing for sure I did understand Billy's love for his mom and his girlfriend Candy. The reader will find from the read...dear Billy has gone through a we find in this book 3 he is still trying to survive which seems to be so hard for him to do. Not knowing what he wants from him life Billy seems to be drifting day by day in a state of confusion. Where will this leave him? I liked how this author was able to bring out with his relationships with various people and or .... Billy's mom, Candy, Amethyst, Natalie & Pam, Apooalypso, Mr. Marty Dykstra,
$ 2,227,861,...Who and What was Billy Green? or [Woman], Sabrina, Samantha, [Dr. Bender, Dr. Hegel], who was ... Cream Cheese and Dr. Freundlich to name a few. All of these characters plus a few others will add some great interest to this read that will keep you turning to pages for more of what all Billy is going through in his state of confusion. Will Billy be able to come to some kind of conclusion in the end? Well, I don't want to give too much of this good story away other than say you will have to pick up this read and see for yourself how well this author brings it all out for Billy...the "man who loves too much....can't love too much." I loved that Epilogue...where it brings this 1, 2 & 3 together so well. Thank you to the was a excellent read!