Unleashed Colour of Love
Title: Unleashed Colours Love
Author: Kathryn Taylor
Publisher: Bastei Entertainment
Series: Colours of Love # 3
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: Four
"Unleashed Color of Love" by Kathryn Taylor
My Thoughts...
So, this is the third book 'Unleashed Colours of Love Series' and I a so happy to say the reader will get the rest of this short story of Grace and Jonathan who happen to be in their first year of marriage. How is it going for them? What will happen as Grace begins to notice that Jonathan is acting strange now this is making her nervous and worried. Is this justified? Well it seems like Yuuto [the enemy] is back in the picture and along with that Grace has a secret that she has been keeping from Jonathan. Why is she so worried about these situations? Well, to find out how all of this will come out you will just have to pick up this author's presentation to see how well it was done. As a matter of fact.... I loved its shortness, sweetness and to the point!
This book was provided as an ARC from NetGalley for an honest review.