Home to Cedar Branch
Title: Home to Cedar Branch
Author: Brenda Bevan Remmes
Publisher: Lake Union Publishing
Series Quaker Cafe #2
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: Four
"Home to Cedar Branch" by Brenda Bevan Remmes
My Thoughts....
Now this was one story that had a little bit of it all from some mystery to even Christian fiction. From boys getting into trouble[snooping], from violence at home, to adultery, murder, breaking out of court, Quaker's helping, more shooting to family healing. To put this all into one story all I can say is that this author gives the reader quite a story full of drama dealing with spousal abuse/kidnapping. This family of Katy and Hank will keep you turning the pages to see what was coming next. Be ready for many twist and turns and I will say that the ending did surprise me and did leave me with some mixed feelings having some unanswered questions.
I received a copy of this book via NetGalley in return for a fair and honest review.