Elite Affairs I: Orchestrated Beauty

Author: Deidra D. S. Green
Publisher: Rathsi Publishing Company
Series Elite Affairs 1
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: Five
"Elite Affairs I: Orchestrated Beauty" by Deidra D. S. Green
My Thoughts....
Chrisette Duncan-Elliot was really something in the read in that she had a very prestigious business that was doing so well however, her personal life didn't seem to be going so well. Now why was that...well with all of her business going so well Chrisette had 'insecure issues about her size' and with her being such a smart person...this didn't seem to help. Will she meet someone[after that Langston] that will be true to her and let's not leave out that very dysfunctional family [her mom and sister]that seemed to not care for her other than what they could get from her... bringing into her life a lots of drama and deceitfulness? Why was that? As the story goes on we find that even one of Chrisette's friends had their share of problems too. To find out the answers to all of the questions and more you will have to pick up the well written story and see for yourself. Maybe things are looking up for Chrisette ... will she meets someone who seems to really care about her. This author has given the reader a very good tasting story and will leave you only wanting the next series to this read..'Elite Affairs II' to find out the rest of this story.