Reserve My Curves 2: He Still Belongs to Me

Title: Reserve My Curves 2: He Still Belongs to Me
Author: B. M. Hardin
Publisher: David Weaver Presents
Series: Reserve My Curves 2
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: Five
"Reserve My Curves 2: He Still Belongs to Me" by B. M. Hardin
My Thoughts.....
This author has done it again and that is giving the reader a awesome read that will truly keep you turning the pages to the end? Was I surprised at that ending? NO, because it seem to me that something was going on and you could see that Envy felt it too not only with Carmen but also with Silas. As you continue to read you will see more twist with more secrets and lies that will still be coming out! I can't wait to start reading 'Reserve My Curves 3' because I know this author will give us a interesting ending to this story.