Spirit Woman
Title: Spirit Woman
Author: Debra Shiveley Welch
Publisher: Red Road Books
Series: Cedar Woman Book 2
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: Five
"Spirit Woman" by Debra Shiveley Welch
My Thoughts...
What good writing with some off the chart well developed, defined. portrayed and believable characters [from Nickie, Shelagh, Boy Ladd, Rosie Logan Javen] only to name a few that will definitely keep your attention on this subject: ABUSE! How Nickie had gone through such a horrible childhood and it seems like she will also have it in her grown up life too. As Nickie "looks into the windows of the houses she passes. She had done so since a little girl: peering into the lighted rooms of other families, wondering if they were the kind of family she so longed for." Will Nickie finds what she is looking for and that is love, but will she find it other than in her pet cockatoo, Beau. This was really one interesting story where in the end all will be racing to save Nickie from that horrible person who seems to out to get her. Will Beau be able to help? This will be suspenseful read with so many twist and turns all the way to the very end. And in the end....we find there will be a cliffhanger as we will have to go to Book 3 [Brave Heart Woman] to get the continued story. I will say this read is not for the faint of heart...it is definitely one that will dig down deep in one's soul long after the read.