Tainted Love

Title: Tainted Love: A Gripping Psychological Thriller & Family Saga
Author: Erin Cawood
Publisher: E. C.
Series: Behind Closed Doors Book 1
Reviewed: Arlena Dean
Rating: Five
"Tainted Love: A Gripping Psychological Thriller & Family Saga" by Erin Cawood
My Thoughts...
Wow this was one read well no I didn't like what was happening to Faith. This was quite one abusive
read that had me shaking my head and saying really...why are you staying!? I found it so hard to read and understand her reasoning through writing letters and emails to her younger brother Darryl about her situation.Why couldn't she find someone to help her and get out!? Will Faith find the 'courage, strength and love' she need in her life?
This writing style was quite a difference kind of read for me being presented in such a unique way. I found it so intensed and emotional that you the reader will get caught up in all of its drama in the physical abuse that this heroine was in. Will she get out of this before it's too late? I will stop here and just say you will have to pick this one up to see what happens to Faith Fay McKenzie at the hands of Cal McKenzie. When you think all is well.... it is not! In the end will Faith 'find the courage and strength to survive, escape and heal from this abuse?' In the end will she find her HEA? I will say that this novel's ending really got to me leaving me to think after all is said and done...was it enough?