The Memory of Lemon
Title: The Memory of Lemon
Author: Judith Fertig
Publication: Berkley
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: Four
"The Memory of Lemon" by Judith Fertig
My Thoughts...
I found this read quite a interesting one as the reader finds Claire [Neely] Davis not only have the favor for being a pastry chef but also has plenty on her plate such as: 'a divorce, her father that is suffering from PTSD from the Vietnam War, her grandmother who is suffering from Alzheimer's and then their is a mother/daughter situation over a impending wedding.'
By Claire having the 'special gift' coming from her grandmother and father...the author gives the reader quite a interesting story that will keep your attention. I really enjoyed learning about herbs, lemons, scents, flavors and even especially those wonderful pies.
The characters were all well developed, defined and portrayed giving the readers a good read. I found that as Claire [Neely] goes through some 'long buried secrets about' her past in the end the readers will see how there is a healing process that will come about allowing her to be able to move on with her life and most of all this definitely 'illustrates how the sweet and sour in life often combines to make the most delicious memories.'