Letting In Light
Title: Letting In Light
Author: Emma Davies
Publisher: Lake Union Publishing
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: Four
"Letting In Light" by Emma Davies
My Thoughts...
This was quite a special good read that will give the readers a good look of 'friendship, love, with a community like [Rowan Hill] heartbreaking, to hope and even forgiveness.' The two main characters Ellie Hesketh and Will McKennan are very interesting, caring people however also fallible with each having their own baggage and even some dark secrets. Now, to add the rest of the secondary characters who were well drawn from [Ben, Helen, Finn, Gina, Alice, Prudence, Jane, Jack] to name a few that the reader will get a well told intriguing story that you will find it hard to put down till the end keeping you entertained. I don't want to leave out the beautiful description of Rowan Hill with its beautiful setting of the scenery that seems to comes alive as this author presents to the reader and I don't want to leave out the tea and lemon drizzle cake that was so important in this read! Now to put the icing o the cake how this author was able to present the 'secrets and revelations' that will come out from this read was very well done. That ending was quite a very interesting one that was very captivating definitely putting a closure to what all had gone on there in this village of Rowan Hill.
Be ready for a story that you will find 'warm, genuine, entertaining, heartbreaking' and still such beautiful read that you will find it hard to put down this well written novel until the very end.