Wife Of A Misfit
Title: Wife Of A Misfit
Author: Jade Jones
Publisher: Jade Publications
Reviewed By: Arlena Den
Rating: Five
"Wife Of A Misfit" by Jade Jones
My Thoughts....
Wow, what a ending this author gives us! Not only that the whole story was a attention grabber with a lots of 'drama and even more drama with some love, sex,craziness, kidnapping, disloyalty, secrets, vengeance, organ trafficking, twist and turns and lets not leave out murder.' The characters Diana [Juicy], Kwon, Maygc, Roxie, Rain, Soul, Madison plus a few others[many from the 'Cameron' storyline] were simply off the chart all being well developed, portrayed and oh so believable giving this read a very good plot as well as a well told story. However, the readers will have to pick up the next series to see what will happen next in this action and suspenseful read. If you are looking for another good read from this author then I would recommend this one to you.
Thank you to the author for the gift of the read for giving my honest opinion of the novel.