Glass Houses
Title: Glass Houses
Author: Brian W. Smith
Publisher: B.W.S.
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: Five
"Glass Houses" by Brian W. Smith
My Thoughts...
This was definitely not a read where you would want to put it down until the very end. This author has given the reader something to ponder on long after the read. I loved that title: "Glass Houses" because it can relate so well to what could happen in our daily twisted life when it involves family. Now, when this family is brought into this situation as in this story, things did go from bad to worse especially when all the facts are not shared and especially when people will not take and follow directions. I had wished there had been a epilogue because I had a few questions that were not answered but I guess we the reader can come to there own conclusion to what else happened in this story. The characters...from [Tammy, Chris, Cameron, Vince, Dianne,VJ, Malcolm, Amber, Monica to Goldie] to name a few I will say were off the chart well developed, portrayed and believable giving the reader a well written script.