The River At Night

Title: The River At Night
Author: Erica Ferencik
Publisher: Scott Press
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: Four
"The River At Night" by Erica Ferencik
My Thoughts....
Get ready for a unforgettable ride as Wini, Pia, Sandra and Rachel who were best of friends head for a wild on the Allagash River in Maine on vacation. Now, what all happens during the trip will be one to truly have you saying did that just happen? What happens as their raft capsizes and leaves them stranded in a area that wasn't at all friendly. This author does a well done job at giving the readers quite a interesting characterization of each one of them that will keep you turning the pages to see what drama is coming next. I will say this was truly not quite a job for one doing this kind of outdoor skills especially since none of them had never had any experience in this endeavor. But I guess that makes this story even more interesting. Will these friends make it through this remote wooded area of Maine in one piece especially after they come into contact with some real strange people? I will stop here and say you will have to pick up the read to see for yourself how this author brings it all out to her readers. If you are looking for a good suspenseful thriller mystery, you have come to the right place because this novel will give it all to you.