The Christmas Challenge
Title: The Christmas Challenge: A Contemporary Christian Romance Novel
Author: JoAnn Durgin
Publisher: J. D.
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: Five
"The Christmas Challenge: A Contemporary Christian Romance Novel" by JoAnn Durgin
'My Thoughts...
This was a beautifully written Christian Romance read that took place in Serendipity, Pennsylvania. I really enjoyed the read from its beginning to the very end. You will find this author giving the reader a read full of 'wit, humor and a beautiful romance' where you will be left being so very inspired by all of the wonderful prayers from this christian walk. At times I was even was left teared up from this read of just how this relationship was developing this second time around. Truly Claire and Donovan were made for each other and it was such a delight seeing how they finally got to this point. I loved the Christmas theme of "The Christmas Challenge" in how it was so well brought out in this well written read Christmas holiday read. You will be left with some 'sweet memories, some drama and a very clean romance. Would I recommend this Christian novel? YES! It is definitely worth your read.