In The Ring

In the Ring: A Dario Caivano Novel - Perri Forrest

Title: In The Ring
Author: Perri Forrest
Publisher: Chic Lioness Publishing, LLC.
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: Five

"In The Ring" by Perri Forrest

My Thoughts.

Good Read!

This author gives the reader something to think about...what happens when a secret finally comes out but was it really a secret that one important person already knew about it? I kept wondering what was it about these sisters that seemed to keep them apart [Chanel & Rochelle]? Let's not leave out the two main characters... Chanel & Dario who were two interesting people were truly drawn together in so many ways. Well, all I can say is that is this was one amazing read with twist and turns that that one will only have to pick up and read to see how well this author presents it to the readers. I enjoyed how the story flowed so well together and in the end all I can say is that the readers will gets one simply a good read.