Soul & Diana

Female, Afro-American, Broken Arrow, OK My website: I love to read...yes, I am a avid reader. I have been a Book Reviewer for almost four years for various authors. I have a blog page with over 1150 reviews from the various author's novels that I have read up to this present time [around almost five years]. Please feel free to check out my blog: My interview of some authors are located at My Interests: I love Flower Gardening.... Also for my hobby I sell Avon Products. About me: I am married to my husband for over 44 Years also..... I have been an Avon Rep for over 34 years where I specialize in Direct Online Sales. You are able to find me at: But most of all I love God because I know without Him in my life I would be nothing! I am thankful for being able to live my life,being happy and at peace with it all. But most of all I just want to Thank My God for everything! About my library...My Favorite books.....can be found in any of the following: Romance, Ficton, non Fiction, Mystery, Erotic, Christian, Crime, Fantasy, Horror, Plays, Drama, Paranormal, Poetry, CookBooks(collector), Thriller, Self Help, Inspirational, Short Stories, Classic, Young Adult, New Adult and Children. By my being a Book Reviewer I get to read all types of wonderful novels. I keep my Kindle busy! I own hundreds of books.... some I have read and many I still have to read. Many are even signed by its author. Please see my blog page and see all the books I have read up to now in 2015!