White Fur

Title: White Fur
Author: Â Jardine Libaire
Publisher: Â Crown Publishing
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: Four
"White Fur" by Jardine Libaire
My Thoughts...
All I can say is this is was a unusual poetical love story as this author gives the readers the ending first and then worked the story forward as the story comes full circled by the end.  So, what should the readers expect? Well get ready for a little bit of it all...from the gritty, raw and simply painful at times that will definitely leave one saying wow!  We find Jamey Hyde who came from a rich family and then their was Elise Perez who was poor coming together being so very opposite. So, really what could one expect  would happen for all that went on with these two that definitely seemed to be on quite a roller coaster ride? Now, I will say this story wasn't just with these two but also their families and friends. Would I say this story was similar to the Romeo and Juliet story? Yes, a little but I found this story was also filled with so much more raw grittiness with lots of emotions. Yes, this was a very obsessive relationship, with crime, some off the chart erotic sex scenes, so be aware of that fact among some other real issues that are full of 'trials and tribulations.' I did feel that the story went on and on a little bit that seemed to drag somewhat but the story did however pick up getting your attention as you continued on to see what was coming next and then we get a strange unexpected  weird twist of a end. If you are looking for a love story that will be told in a very unusual way then you have come to the right place for "White Fur" will be the read I would recommend to you.