
Enough (Falling For A Rose Book 2) - Stephanie Nicole Norris

Title:  Enough

Author:  Stephanie Nicole Norris

Publisher:  S. N. N.

Series: ÂFalling For A Rose Book 2

Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean

Rating: Five



"Enough" by Stephanie Nicole Norris


My Thoughts....


I loved this second romance story of 'The Falling For a Rose Book 2' that featured Claudia and Jaden who was another Rose brother. The story is well presented and will keep you turning the pages to see what's coming next.  We find Claudia is trying to get ahead after having made some bad decisions in her past, taking care of her mother and being a co-owner of a financial advising firm.  Now that she has met Jaden will there be a chemistry between these two? Why was it for some reason Claudia felt that she was not worthy of having a relationship with Jaden?  Well, to see how this all turns out you will just have to pick up this well written story to see how well this author brings it all out to the reader.  I will say I liked Claudia's character but sometime she did get on my nerves with all of her self doubting [lack of self esteem] she had about herself. However, as I continued to read on I could see some of the reasons she may have felt the way she did [especially with that sister and mom].  In the end will Claudia be able to overcome all that is holding her back finally  have her HEA with the man of her dreams?  The only thing that is left is be waiting for the next Book 3 in 'Only If You Dare' that features Claudia's sister....Desiree Stevens and another Rose brother...Julian Alexander Rose.