Between The Sheets

Title: Between These Sheets
Author: Atevia Robinson
Publisher: Twisted Desires Publications
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: Four
"Between These Sheets" by Atevia Robinson
My Thoughts....
What a read by this author giving a few of us women want we really want or think we want. In the end well you will just have to see if any of this was a good decision for all involved. I will say this book will give the readers many lessons some good and some not so good definitely coming out not like it was all planned. The read will really give you something to think about long after the read. I liked how the word 'freak was described by this author. Some as a quiet undercover freak....the professional freak....the insecure freak...the pleaser type of freak, insecure freak....sneaky freak...and the cold hearted freak. Now, as I read this i was shaking my head saying WHAT but I will have to agree with this author that all of us may have a little bit of freak in us...ha ha ha! Anyway getting back to this story I will say this author really knows how to keep you turning the pages with some really interesting characters...from Sunshine, Nick [White Boy],Sway, Storm & Danny Chaser, Georgia, Douglas [Afro American], Rainy, J.C., Velvet, Jason, Ice, Preston, Boss, Nate, Tasha, Steve [Brown Eyes]. Shantel, Jesse, Mike, J Rod and I am sure I left someone out..Well, this will be somewhat a sad story where you will find a little bit of it all in it from craziness all over the place from abuse, adultery, murder, abortion, cheating, lieing, sexual content all over the place and in the end one can come to several important conclusions from this read..Abuse is never an excuse to stay with someone! Messing with a marriage man OR woman is a NO NO! If you do there will more or less be consequences to pay. A scorned woman is one not to be messed with. HIV is a serious disease and not to be taken or granted...use protection! I could go on and on from what I gathered from this read but that will be for you the reader to pick up this novel and see for yourself how this author brings it all out in this novel. I will definitely say that karma' will come sooner or later for the ones that deserved it as it did for Jason!