Since I Had You

Title: Since I Had You
Author: Roy Glenn
Publisher: Escapism Entertainment
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: Five
"Since I Had You" by Roy Glen
My Thoughts....
I didn't know what to expect when I first started reading this novel but as I continued on through the read, I really found that I enjoyed how well this author gives the readers quite a unique love story. Yes, maybe it was of a love that shouldn't have happened but it does so how will these two main characters make it out of this situation. Starting from just coworkers getting together after work, then to more of an affair where these two just loved communicating with each other. From that well other things start to happen. Now to put the icing on the cake both of these two were married to their spouses. I kept saying why didn't each of their spouses know something was up...well later it is revealed that one of the spouses did know. Anyway, I loved how this author brings it all out so well in 'what done in the dark...will come to light in the out.' So, what will happen as Chris and Brooke move on with their lives with their spouses? I will stop here and just say you will have to pick up "Since I Had You" to see how well this author gives the reader a well written love story that will definitely put a smile on your face especially with that ending.