Seductive Secrecy

By: Marni Mann
Published By: Entice by Booktrope
Age Recommended: Adult (Erotic)
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: 5
Series: Shadows #2
"Seductive Secrecy" by Marni Mann was the second in this authors series: Shadows and it would probably be a good thing to read it first before reading (Seductive Shadows) for more of a understanding to what all this novel is about. This novel has a great tell would ruin the story of it all so.....
all I will say is that you must pick up "Seductive Secrecy" after reading Seductive Shadows and you will see what I mean. However, I will say its a unforgettable story about 'love in light and in darkness.'
For Charlie and Cameron will there be a 'happily ever after?" Will things ever settle down before we see visitors entering the picture that could cause much trouble. This novel offers a lots of emotions that are very complexed. You will find that the characters are somewhat flawed and very insecure. Yes, it is a romantic novel but so much angst in the middle of it all. All in all I thought this novel was written very well once you got into it you will be able to see how it will suck you into all of the 'emotional vortex' of it all. Once Charlie and Cameron are living together there will be obstacles that will lead to jealousy. Why is this? What happens when Cameron's brother Ryder comes into the picture? What secrets does Ryder have that will be brought out into the open? How will these secrets have any bearing of Charlie's and Cameron's relationship? Then the story continues with Charlie's now reconnecting with her father. What will come of that? I don't want to say to much more not wanting to ruin it for the I will say you must pick up the amazing read to see for yourself. Be ready for a 'emotional wreck' at the end but still it's a wonderful brilliant read. "Seductive Secrecy" is for anyone who likes dark romances and that being said ... pick up this novel... I don't think you will be unhappy with it.