
"Duty" by Rachel Rossano was a very good romantic story that was so enjoyable that is a historical, but not real time or place. You will find the characters are likable, well developed, captivating and so very believable giving the reader awesome read that you will find hard to put down until the end. This was rather a fast paced read where you will connect quickly with Brielle and Tomas. I liked this medieval fantasy world of Lady Brielle Solarius who is sold into a arranged marriage to Lord Tomas by her weird and evil cousin Lord Orwin Westin. At this time many widows were forced into marriages to strangers so because Brielle village will starve with Tomas help...so it was a done deal...however even with the marriage and all her village will be attacked. Will she be able to get some help? This novel really moves because there is something that is happening all the time...battles, sieges, conspiracies and even romance. Be ready as you will see from the read that this author brings in 'new words...'Kurios.' Now I will let you look that one up! I also liked how this author brought Brielle and Tomas together because it wasn't love at first site but in the end it was a sweet romance .....and this is where I say you must pick up "Duty" to see how this author will bring it all to the reader.
"Duty" is well written and so full of twist and turns that you will have to keep up or you can get somewhat confused due to the fact that this novel moves fast.
Please know that this isn't a violence free script...for they will be much violence in and around this story and so be ready to see where their is a lots of unfairness and wrongness going on. With all of that being said..."Duty" is a interesting adventure with all the swords, battles, romance, very clean and well written novel by this self published author that I would I recommend as a good read.