Title: Phantasy
Author: Marlowe Sr.
Published: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
Age Recommended: Adult
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: 4
"Phantasy" by Marlowe Sr was some read of realism or illusion...oh it's just a fantasy. Wow what a interesting read that his author has put together for the reader and it's in first person. It was quite interesting how the main character begins to write and creates a fantasy world after being dumped by his girlfriend. ... creating a destructive powerful monster that can only be defeated my using some sort of 'supernatural powers.' This author really worked his magic with such creativity with bringing to the reader a unique read of 'heart and soul' with a 'vivid imagination. There will be some parts of the book ...well some difficult words and it was good to see the author did give the reader a glossary with some notes to help understand "Phantasy." I found that the characters were well defined and well rounded only giving the reader a interesting fantasy read. I found "Phantasy" was written well with a unique plot once you get into the story finding it hard to put down. If you are looking for a read of a different journey of escapism ...if only for a little while... I would recommend this read for you.