Writing Skin

Writing Skin - Adriana Kraft

Title: Writing Skin
Author: Adriana Kraft
Publisher: eXtasy Books
Genre: Erotica
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: 5

"Writing Skin" by Adriana Kraft

Book Description:

'What would it be like to be romanced by not one but two potential partners, simultaneously? Luci Parker has finally achieved the career of her dreams as an erotic author – but the only romance in her life these days is in the books she writes. Long attracted to both men and women, Luci despairs of ever finding just one person to settle down with. Owners of a South Side Chicago bookstore, Chai and Frank Ferguson eagerly devour Luci's books as fast as she can write them, and now they wonder."

What I liked about this novel....

I liked how this novel continues on from this author first novel...'The Diary' with this second novel "Writing Skin" being about three people who will have to sort it all out in the end to be in a erotic ménage relationship. But was it really to be? We find that Luci Parker was a erotic writer, single and was being sort on by a wife and husband that was interested in forming a relationship with this erotic writer. But, before all of this can happen Luci will have to seek a spiritual awakening with the spirits...of the 'east, west, north and south.' To farther understand all of this you must understand the Ferguson's and what their desire was to meet this author. Was Luci the one they have been looking for after many nights of reading Luci's novels to each other? Would Frank want to go along with his wife's thinking of being attracted to other women and even having lesbian encounters in their marriage? How will they gather it all in in order to get what they desired most? The real question is will Luci be up for all of this for what the Ferguson's have in mind? You will find the answer to this and more as you read to see just what the Ferguson's are looking for.

Luci had been raised by her older sister Kate and wants a relationship but nothing seemed to be happening for her since her friend has now marriage.... however, she did have a 'collection of sex toys and knew well how to use them.' We find that Luci did want someone in her life but would she be able to find the right person to fit in with her personality. All I can say is wow did she meet someone after meeting Chai and Frank Ferguson! Who knew after meeting Chai at a book read things were about to change for Luci. Would this be a good thing? This will be a interesting journey as Chai will take Luci on a 'spiritual ride' ... an adventure that will teach her about the true meaning of life. I really thought this was rather intriguing ...the Fox, the Raven, Grandmother's, Stag, Doe, Eagle and Feather to name a few. Now, to understand all of this you will have to pick up "Writing Skin" to find out what all is going on with Chai as she presents this to Luci. Will Luci be willing to receive it? Be prepared for some real interesting sex scenes in this setting with these three characters as this author does so well with there erotica novels.

What I also liked about this novel...

I like how this author was able to bring it all together to the reader explaining this 'spiritual encounter' that did help understand the forethought of this journey that Luci, Chai and even Frank went on. It really help to understand how this author came up with the title...'Writing Skin.' Also I did like how Luci was able to write and finish up her novel that she had been working on as she was able to learn so much about herself. It was quite interesting seeing Chai and Frank who were restaurant and bookstore owners and Luci who was a erotic writer ended meeting up. In the end will this be a permanent arrangement for these three people? Oh, I did also like how close Luci had become with her sister Kate, especially after what had happened between the two in this author's previous novel 'The Diary.' Now, I don't want to spoil too much other than say to find out if this will all comes together you will have to see for yourself by picking up 'Writing Skin' by this author who really gives the reader a well written fascinating read.